A personal musical history ….. more selections ….. Songhoy Blues

Music in Exile
by Songhoy Blues
Stand out tracks:
Petit Metier

When northern Mali fell to Ansar Dire in 2012, many of the Songhoy found themselves exiled from their homes and fleeing south. Among them, four young musicians who met in Bamako and formed Songhoy Blues.

Offering an irresistible mix of early American rock ‘n’ roll, blues, and traditional Songhoy melodies, ‘Music in Exile’ exemplifies the best aspects of all those traditions: music as an expression of cultural identity, resilience, and protest.

That you won’t understand the lyrics (unless you speak the language) is unimportant. The music, in its sincerity and simplicity, is so catchy and compelling, it’s almost enough to restore your faith in humanity.

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