A personal musical history ….. more selections ….. Faithless

No Roots by FaithlessStand out tracks:
Mass Destruction
Miss U Less, See U More
What About Love

My favourite Faithless album. The 15 tracks are broken into two suites – seven tracks each with a remix of “Mass Destruction” tacked onto the end. Both suites focus on love: love of people, love of humanity, love of peace. There’s plenty of conviction and plenty of message.

The album proves the best showcase for Rollo and Sister Bliss as the music is stunning. Polished and purposeful, the tunes glide one to the next effortlessly, making this the most well considered set. Mood is the thing and as a result only a few tracks stand out on their own.

The album is for the fans, and maybe newcomers with patience and a penchant for wandering introspection. Other vocals mix well with Maxi Jazz’s conversational style, ensuring ‘No Roots’ to be a most satisfying album.

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